Ectoplasm Myth and Assorted Gaming

DM Notes

D&D Rules:


1. Gamespeak banned (up to a maximum penalty of one session banned)
2. Rules Lawyering banned- this means you Crushu (up to a maximum penalty of expulsion from the game)
3. OOC prohibited (3 warnings then expulsion from the session, repeat offenders expulsion from the game). Comic relief is welcome but excess will get you a warning.
4. Distractions banned (while I am DMing do not be playing a game or speaking extensively in another channel- if this were to happen in real D&D you would get a beatdown. Its for your own good, your here to have fun and your distracting yourself from the story and action.)
5. Imports from other campaigns banned
6. Metaspeak banned (see gamespeak).
7. Bottom line: DM has absolute power and may eject you at any time, permenantly or otherwise.

Showing Up

1. If you can not make it to a session I will deal with your character, if you miss 3 consecutive sessions you are expulsed from the game. (if your on vacation or something and notify me before your excluded, if you dont, your expulsed)
2. If you show up late dont talk in the channel until you PM me- ill put you in instead of you walking out of nowhere in the middle of an adventure.
3. I would like to be notified of late/not showing up before the session so I can prepare for your absence.

Running the Game

1. Before the game there will be a short period of socializing, getting thy stuff together, grabbing a snack/dinner etc (This will be part of the time range).
2. The session will start by a summary of what happened last session by a self-appointed party leader or a revolving player who will write the summary up and send it to me.
3. I will re-insert you into the game world.
4. We will call a time at which we will end or take remissions for food/talk.
5. We will call a time at which to end.
6. We will conclude with experience/treasure rewards- I HANDSOMELY reward roleplayers and good players, you could be one of the worst characters statistically and still do very well.


1. I will clarify that you are being attacked or you are attacking a enemy(S), at which point you declare your actions- YOU DO NOT ROLL INITATIVE NOW, you state what you are doing.
2. I do DM stuff.
3. I will ask each player for their iniatives- you use the in-game dice and give me a number, I record the rolls.
4. I will run the combat, when I ask for you to take an action you take it- I do NOT use any glimpse of gamespeak, you will not see numbers when I DM- this means you wont know who goes when!
5. I ussualy use the same initiatives for each round- less number work, its assumed that you have entered melee. If you want to do a new unique action to your previous one, we re-roll your init and re-add you accordingly.


1. Perhaps my most important rule, you MUST roleplay.
2. If you dont roleplay ill kick you out, no ands ifs or buts.
3. Most of the classes are designed so that if you dont roleplay you wont do well statistically.
4. I heavily reccomend playing songs by Jeremy Soule, Micheal Hoeing, Wagner, Stravinsky, Prokofiev and metal bands (such as Strapping Young Lad, Shogun, Scary German Guy, and Six Reasons to Kill etc) while gaming. Although this can be a true distraction in offline games, it only empowers online ones. Game soundtracks (Red Alert, Warcraft 3 etc) are also very good to have. All of these things are avalible by request on my ftp.
5. If you are trying to do something which is counter to your alignment I may shift your alignment to a more appropriate one over time.
6. DO not feel reluctant to fully roleplay your alignment- even if it means abandoning loot or prestige, you will be rewarded.


1. I do not use any graphical means of representing the adventure- this is directly against the soul of D&D. This rule does not include maps or character portraits, these are ESSENTIAL! Im referring to the actual adventure environments.
2. I devide experience equally (if there are 6 characters each character recieves 1/6th of the experience) because all the characters risked their lives and used their abilities to finish the adventure. This does NOT apply to individual rewards.
3. You may PM me to do things behind the player's backs or to clarify something you said in a sometimes busy channel.

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Myth: The Fallen Lords, Myth II: Soulblighter, and all materials derived therefrom are trademarks and copyrights of Bungie Software Products Corporation (now Bungie Studios, a wholly owned subsidary of the Microsoft Corporation). We are not Bungie; we are an independantly run fan organization who Bungie has been so kind as to not sue for using their trademarked name in our content. The Myth franchise is now owned by Take Two Interactive; Myth III: The Wolf Age is a trademark/copyright of Mumbo Jumbo, Inc., and is published by Gathering of Developers and MacSoft - none of whom are associated with us.