Ectoplasm Myth and Assorted Gaming

Strife is a bunch of cryptic incoherent ramblings:


Humans (10/10/10/10 8 initial points)


Vampires (12/12/10/10 5 initial points)

Properties: Drain blood, vampiric pounce, blood charm, vampiric properties, polymorph, embrace, vampiric speed, detect living flesh

Mutants (10/10/10/10 5 initial)

Properties: Major mutant power, lesser mutant power

Cerebs (6/8/14/10 5 initial)

Properties: Evolved properties, psychic resistance, read thoughts, levitation

Celestials (11/11/10/11 5 initial points)

Properties: Celestial properties, immortality, aura of righteousness, sprout wings, celestial wisdom, long sword specialization, medium shield specialization

Infernals (12/10/11/10 5 initial points)

Properties: Infernal properties, immortality, aura of fear, sprout wings, gestate, dark summoning

Grays (5/10/12/12 5 initial points)

Properties: Alien illusions, alien telepathy, mind control, Gray properties

Reptoids (14/10/8/8 5 initial points)

Properties: Reptoid properties, thermal vision, acute senses, Reptoid speed, scale walls

Nordics (11/11/11/11 5 initial points)

Properties: Nordic properties, teleportation, levitate

Automatons (45 initial points)

Properties: Cyborg properties



Vigor (Health, melee damage adjustment, weight allowance)

Agility (Melee hit adjustment, defense modifier)

Mind (Psi)




Stats decide character, ability points= drain for activities

Every level = character gains a point


Your AC = Agility

Your accuracy = 1d20 + modifier

Races = have a preset initial layout of properties

Prone (5 TU), duck (2 TU), jump (5 TU), roll (8 TU), dive (5 TU), reload (per weapon), use item (per item), aimed shot (15 TU), snap shot (2 TU), precise shot (20 TU), throw (2 TU), melee attack (per weapon), climb (1 foot/2 TU) , use stairs (upward: 1 foot/2 TU, downward: 1 foot/TU)), walk (1 foot/TU), jog (2 foot/TU), run (3 foot/TU), pick up item (2 TU), equip (5 TU), crawl (1 foot/4 TU), deploy (per weapon), drop weapon (1 TU), crouched walk (1 foot/3 TU), use ability (per ability), use psychics (per attack), kneel (2 TU), break (5 TU), ready (2 TU), kick (100% -5%/LVL TU), punch (50%-5% /LVL TU), elbow (50%-5% /LVL TU), head butt (50% - 5% /LVL TU), knee (50%-5% /LVL TU), grapple (100% - 5% /LVL TU)



100 traits

100 backgrounds

300 properties

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